
  • Repair and installation of gas and oil crude products, flowlines, wellhead setup and equipment installing and connecting;
  • Defects examination and technical diagnosis of the pipelines and main equipment f oil and gas industry;
  • project design and pipelines certification;
  • Consumption waste disposal including oily cutting cleaning facility;
  • Winter maintenance at the KOGCF;
  • Welding works, metal structures , vessels and drums fabrication;
  • Methanol, acid hydrochloric, sulfuric acid, liquid nitrogen, chemicals equipment and oil and gas tubes supply, storage package and transportation ;
  • Construction and installation of 110 kV high-voltage lines unit stations; EC&I installation, checkout and start-up;
  • Telecommunications services including the fibre optic links installation;
  • Specialized equipment services such as cranes, wilding mobile engineering units, defects examination and main equipment mobile laboratories, bulldozer, shovels, wheel loaders, dump-trucks, post weld heat treatment mobile units;
  • Pipeline and main equipment protection;
  • Grit blasting and abrasive cleaning, coating, corrosion and fire resistant preparation of the pipelines surface and metal structures;
  • Buildings, premises and territory service including field facilities;
  • Laundry and cleaning service ;
  • Engineering services for metal working;
  • General purpose incinerator and waste segregation facility operating and engineering services;
  • Production chemicals supply and related services for the Kashagan field;
  • Ecosenter engineering service;
  • Preventive maintenance services ate the KOGCF;
  • Thermo-mechanical cutting cleaning facility operation and maintenance at Ecosenter;
  • Civil and mechanical operations;
  • Scaffold building ;